@abuuzayr / builtforfifty πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

Muhammad Fawwaz

πŸ” Full Stack Engineer.
React / Node / TypeScript / Blitz.js

Budding maker, author, founder, OSS contributor, full stack engineer with experience in tech and finance


Stuff that I built

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Awesome apps, services, products and communities made by Singaporeans

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Search for your dream tech job on techjobs.sg, sourced from the top local job listing platforms

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JavaScript Talks

JavaScript Talks / Conferences as Podcasts

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Singapore crowd sourced and user submitted motorcycle parking locator

Let's talk

I'm currently looking out for a remote work opportunity.
Or if you have cool ideas in mind, let's get in touch!

Built with Next.js Chakra UI Vercel